

My work explores the intersection of society and technology, and our struggle to control and define ourselves.


Regression to the Earth’s Mean — Confucian robots tend to a dying Earth, only to discover they’ve been blinded by their loyalty. — Dark Matter Magazine — Forthcoming 2021

Object Permanence — Landmarks and buildings struggle with their identities on social media, using embedded tweets as a literary device. — Fireside Magazine — December 2020

In the Space of Twelve Minutes — A scientist employs an avatar to bridge the gap in his interplanetary marriage, set in a world where China wins the next generation space race. — Uncanny Magazine — September 2020

Singular — Three stories about possible futures of the singularity written in conversation with GPT-3 — August 2020

The Dead Do Not Live Underground — A coroner and his drone investigate one more bunker. — Bunkerpunk Anthology / Sudowriters — July 2020

Sheltering Notebook — A member of the COVID-19 generation graduates. — Fever Dreams Anthology / Sudowriters — Apr 2020

The Mummer — A man who controls autonomous machines for a living encounters an abused robot. — Working Futures: 14 Speculative Stories About the Future of Work — Oct 2019

Steady State — What happens when the engagement algorithms win. — Jul 2019

Lifetime Value — Logistical murder in the workplace. “They used blanks at school, not like the real corporate world where supply rooms were stocked to the gills with live rounds. “ — Jul 2019

The Start of Fish — Your fish sauce is now sentient. “Consider the alternative: a mind could arise from fluctuations in the vacuum of space for a split second with your complete memory—everything that is you.” — Jun 2019

The Scrolls of Tian Tan — Chinese monks and Turing machines. “He wrote a symbol upon that scroll and tugged, setting Tian and Earth in motion.” — ➰➰➰ — Jan 2019 — Nominated for the Pushcart Prize

River Rising — A social media platform embedded in the criminal justice system, where the crowd determines who lives and dies. “The River was making a crackling sound like burning flesh.” — Terraform / VICE Media — Jan 2019

Hot Spot — Synesthesia and the simulation theory. “One of my first memories was pure ribbons of colors dancing across the playground.” — Jul 2018


Continuous Publishing — Writing and thinking out loud online.

Hyperliterature — In an age where everyone has a supercomputer in their pocket, literature can take on any shape imaginable.

Storytelling Resources — Some resources that I’ve found useful as I’ve studied storytelling.


017: Walking into 2020 — “I’m happy to share that I’ve sold a story to Uncanny Magazine, a publication I’ve long admired.”

013: The Problem with Hard Science Fiction — “And what is the spectrum of hard? In the most stringent view, the majority of sci-fi isn’t hard. At what point does a story get stripped of this label?”

012: Meeting Ted Chiang — “I’ve read his work in depth, so it was surreal seeing him in person, sitting across from me in the large nondescript conference room under the ski resort.”